#6 E.Portfolio

10:06 pm / Posted by Aaron Quilty /

Creating an e.Portfolio was one of the most intersting delivery technologies that I have created so far. It has given some excitment over this assessment piece and I have really enjoyed getting to understand its features and its ability of what it can do. However it will be a good tool to use for my second assessment and not one that I can get caught up in too much now.
The purpose of an e.Portfolio is to use a product designed specifically for a task. One of the main e.portfolios used in the world today is a software called 'Mahara'. Mahara is an open source software that enables uses to make things a reality. Mahara is a huge product for many different uses throughout many different occupations and it is such a used product it costs $5 a year to create one. The reason why it costs is because it is hosted by NetSpot. NetSpot has the advantage of abeling a user to take their portfolio with them regardless what industry they belong to. The purpose of NetSpot is that it enables technology for education.

NetSpot is a Premium eLearning Technology Services Partner to education organisations within the Asia Pacific region. We help institutions focus on their core mission by managing their eLearning technology and by licensing world class software.

This site is based on Mahara, a fully featured electronic portfolio, weblog, resume builder and social networking system, connecting users and creating online communities. Mahara provides you with the tools to set up a personal learning and development environment.

When using web sites like these it is always good to be aware of the content you put in. To keep your privacy and the privacy of others not be breached. You never want to create problems especiall when using it as an Educational purpose. Therefore, when you create a Mahara or anything like this make sure you monitor it yourself. Make sure the people that you invite are not going to do anything to your blog or any other information that you may have on their.

Mahara is a great tool to use to incorporate the ICT Learning Design Framework. By firstly ensuring that all students have sufficient opportunities to engage in key content areas through different learning tasks that can be incorporated. Maraha can contain 100Mb of different resouces that can be used for students to access to successfully complete their learning tasks. Through the use of posts, mailing, videos, pictures, comments, personal goals and skills that they may have, creating different files and being able to create their own personal resume' they are able to scaffold these tools and inventions to be able to gain specific Learning Support.

It becomes quite obvious through the use of some tools that this Delivery Technology uses would be aimed for all those that are in Highschool. As a Primary Learning Manager, I could use this tool for my students to have a go at creating a futuristic e.Portfolio for about and for themselves. That would give them an idea of what they could be in the future and what is out there in the world, because I believe they could learn so much about the community and about the world around them that they would not greatly understand through their community at home.

There is more to the world then one would percieve!

Enjoy engaging in my Mahara (Shown above)

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