#16 Podcasting

12:27 pm / Posted by Aaron Quilty /

A podcast is a web-based audio broadcast via an RSS feed, accessed by subscription over the internet. Whereas podcasting involves uploading web-based broadcasts of media files and XML files to podcasting servers that allows students, teachers or any user to download items into files such as iTunes. This allows people to listen to these media files on an MP3/4 player like an iPod. Therefore a podcast is a tool that you can use to listen to audio files on your computer, MP3/4 player or iPod.

Podcasting is such an effective tool because it allows students to learn in a different way. There are many different learning stles that one can be. With a class on average of 25 students, having a range of different tools is useful for your classroom envirnonment. Using the SMART chart, there are 8 different types of students that can and will occure in your classroom with multiple intelligence . There are many different tastings that you can undertake with your class to figure out thier Learning style and their personality but it is helpful to understand that you can use different tools such as Podcasting at any stage in your teaching.
Some learning styles that are predominant include:

  • Music Smart
  • Math/Logic Smart
  • Nature Smart
  • Body Smart
  • Word Smart
  • Group Smart
  • Self Smart and
  • Picture Smart

All Podcasting is apart of the Web 2.0 Technologies along side everything else within this blog. You can use it for listening skills. So you get the students to listen to an educational broadcast and over its time period they have to come up with several different questions that relate to what they have listen, or they have to make notes, or describe the setting in which they percieve it could be in.

The podcast that I subscribed to is called 'Technology Integration in K-12' by Sean M. Martinson. This Podcast talks about different technologies that teachers use or can use when and for teaching. It talks about how you can use these technologies and why we use these technologies. Therefore by looking at what we have been looking at so far in this blog, Sean summs it up in just a matter of minutes. He talks about

  • technology integration and why to we do it.
  • They are good for resarch, assignments and classwork.
  • Technologies are useful to use in the classroom.
  • Most schools have access to the internet.
  • Schools are moving forward to a multimedia technology classrooms.
  • Teachers must have up to date technologies.
  • The use of Laptops outside of school is useful for teachers.
  • Wireless is a standard use for all rooms throughout the school.

For more information, check out these websites bellow:-





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